2 Milestones in 1: 5k members and Frak 2023 (Karina Mikhli)

This last week was a very eventful one for both the community and fractionals at large.

For the community, we reached 5000 members just in time for the second milestone event, which was Frak 2023, the first-ever fractional conference, organized by our partner and ally, VoyageurU.

Frak 2023 was an opportunity for current fractional leaders, leaders who were fractionally curious, and even some local small business owners to come together in Minneapolis, Minnesota. 

Many others have already posted on LinkedIn their takeaways from the conference, and I know that fractionalconference.com will be repurposed to share all event sessions and materials for those who couldn't make it, so I'm going to focus on my key memories and personal takeaways.

First the memories:

  1. I loved getting to meet John Arms himself and so many others I've had zoom calls with. There's nothing like coming face-to-face with someone and deepening that bond you started on zoom. There were too many to mention, but you all know who you are :).
  2. Being on a panel with Brett and Heather, moderated by John, was an honor and highlight, as well as the timely epiphany I had about why we all want to go and be fractional, inspired by my rereading Chip Conley's great book, Peak: self-actualization. I already posted about this on LinkedIn so won't duplicate here. 
  3. Meeting so many Fractionals United members, and even having an in-person meetup at the end of day one so that we could get to know each other better.
  4. Traveling back with friend, fellow fractional, FrUn board member, and cohost of our official podcast, Carol Fraser, so that even when our flight got delayed by an hour, we easily filled the time getting to know each other better.
These are only 4 of the most memorable highlights since there were too many to count.

And the two major takeaways I personally got out of the conference:
  1. Frak 2023 was the beginning of a movement, not a moment, and the time of the fractional was coming.
  2. We all need to focus on managing our energy rather than our time, and pay more attention to our own batteries rather than that of our cell phone. (From 2nd day Keynote Speaker Tiffany Mattick)
Again, these are just two out of many but the ones that rise to the surface for me personally.

Overall, I am thrilled that I got to attend and be a part of this momentous first of its kind event, and I know there are more to come. 

But if you are a current fractional, a leader who is an aspiring fractional, or a leader who is fractionally curious, you don't need to wait for the next conference: know that there is a community that welcomes you and your questions, so join us. 


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