Fractionals United Is One Year Old Today! (Karina Mikhli)

Last year today, I had this crazy idea. I had just come back to being fractional,  found it harder and lonelier, and didn't want to do it alone. When I couldn't find a community for the sake of community, I decided to see if there was interest in one.

And as the chart demonstrates, there was definitely interest.

But I can't take sole credit for this amazing growth. Yes, it's my community and vision, and yes, I optimized it for ease of entry, but I happened to be at the right place at the right time. And fractional is only going to continue growing.

You may wonder what this means for the community. 

A few things will remain constant:
  1. FrUn will continue to be free and open to current and aspiring fractional leaders;
  2. FrUn will continue focusing on community, and as such, prioritize connection, collaboration, and learning from each other;
  3. FrUn will continue to partner with those in the fractional ecosystem that provide other needed services for fractionals.
And a few things have already changed or will need to do so:
  1. We are giving members more ways to actively engage in the community: the advisory board and outreach committee continue to exist, and now we have location and functional channel leads too.
  2. The community will need to become self-sustaining monetarily at some point, and we're working towards this with a combination of small recurring donations from members and sponsorships.
  3. And I will continue to both optimize community operations and delegate more of the day-to-day administration and logistics to my team since I continue to do both fractional COO and workflow consulting work.
Overall my goal is for the community to continue to grow and provide value to its members, but to also become self-sustaining by the end of 2024.

Last year today, I couldn't predict where I'd be in a year, so I'm not going to try to predict where I or the community will be in a year from now. But I do know fractional will continue to grow and that we truly are stronger and better together. 

Here's to a great 2024!


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