Meet Your New Best Friend: EQ (Emotional Intelligence) (Ben Klopfer)
If You Had Three Wishes... Ever found yourself hoping to find a small business genie? You know what I mean... You rub the lamp, a fantastical deity pops out knowing just what to do to help you further you, your team, your goals? Just wish for it, and it happens; does that ring a bell? Well, today your wish is granted! At least in the form of a blog post. I can't pop out of a bottle but I can tell you about fractional leaders who are de facto wizards of Emotional Intelligence (EQ). Like Intellectual Intelligence (IQ), EQ is about the emotional abilities and social skills that aren't quite measured in the analytical skills associated with IQ. Here's why small businesses are eyeing EQ-savvy fractional pros. But, first things first... Why Does EQ Matter? Imagine having a leader who not only brings a wealth of experience, but can also flows with the undercurrents of you, your team, and your customers. Like a sea they've sailed 1,000 times. That's your EQ-rich fractio...